Friday, January 7, 2011

Honor Flow Productions' Interview On KXLU 88.9FM With Jen (January 6, 2011)

Shouts out to the homegirl Jen @ The Legendary, World Renown KXLU 88.9FM for allowing Elimn8 and myself to come up to the studio yesterday (1.6.11) and talk a little bit about L.I.V.E. By F.R.E.S.H. Here is the interview portion of our time on the air. The records she played from the album were In Full Effect, Make A Run For It, and Cadillac Dreams. If you want to hear those records and more, DOWNLOAD L.I.V.E. By F.R.E.S.H. now @

"Get L.I.V.E, Be F.R.E.S.H."

PS- Sorry for the low audio levels. I had to do some mixing work and turn down some of the levels because the static was high from the actual broadcast.