Holdin' It Down Live From The Living Room @ Loyola Marymount University, Honor Flow Productions competes against "The Lair's" best in the 2009 Fall Semester edition of Battle Of The Bands!!! (Prelim Round)
Between the line up "conflict," the in-house technical difficulties, and our set being cut short, I think we made our point, because YOU voted us into the next round... "Respect" (c) Ali G. Shouts out to the homegirl Amanda for taking the camera and filming the set. ENJOY!!!
1) Run This Lair (feat. Linze Peters)
2) S.S.C (System Sound Check)
3) Center Stage
The Second Straight Week of Competition for The Mighty, Mighty Honor Flow Productions in Loyola Marymount University's Fall Semester edition of Battle Of The Bands Live From The Living Room.
With A little "electricity ," some mackin' by the "minute," some "realism," and of course YOUR VOTES, we we're not only able to move on to the final round, but also BECAUSE OF YOU, we we're the leading vote getter for round!!! Filming by way of my baby sister Tyler. Thanks Knucklehead ;). ENJOY!!!!
1) Electrify
2) Get A Minute
3) Real (Give Me) (This was the first time we performed this track live).
Unfortunately, because I didn't double check my footage before clicking delete, I lost my footage from the final round (I know, stupid me). But I know Kerwin has some footage. I going to be back @ this post later and update it with footage from the final round.
As a bonus, here was the article from The Loyolan on our 1st place victory in B.O.T.B. Like I said when I posted this on Facebook: The headline= Epic Win
Calling Key, Lord, and myself sophomores= EPIC fail, lol!!!!

The Loyolan- Honor Flow Productions Wins Battle Of The Bands
Soul Claps & Salutes