This Friday between 3pm-6pm (PST), we will return to The Land of The Bruins to drop by our homie, Cameron Kash's UCLA Radio show, LAXposed! We're going to a part of a special 3 hour show that will be Mr. Kash's second to last show on the UCLA Radio airwaves, so we're trying to help send him out with a bang. We'll be talking with him and his crew about V.I.S.I.O.N.S. and even performing a "Semi-Unplugged" set. What is a "Semi-Unplugged" set you ask? Well, you will have to tune in on Friday @ to find out!
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Well, since I'm long winded, I won't say much, lol! These incredible flicks will do all the talking. Special announcement regarding the documentary (yes... I said documentary) on the night coming sooner than you think. In the mean time, enjoy these stills of the night when we all "Lived Loud" and "Dreamt Fearless."
Fine Folks Design (Official Website) If you ever wonder who is responsible for all the fly art work you have seen on our album covers and show posters for the past 2 years? These are the culprits. Shouts out to my brotha Derek Heath for, like I always say, keep our albums from becoming drink coasters, lol!!! Show love, peep out the site, and HIRE THEM!!! If you need a client testimony, holla @ me, lol!!!
2 days after The Roxy, we found ourselves in DJisLORD's hood of Historic Filipinotown performing at their annual 5K Run and Festival. After sharing the stage in a joint set with homegirl Christine Alane (covering Keri Hilson's Pretty Girl Rock, an arrangement of Michael Jackson's Butterflies mixed with the song's writer Marsha Ambrosius new cover it. and her own original joint "City Up," featuring a live 16 from Elimn8), we were all extremely surprised and humbled to be awarded by the City of Los Angeles right after our set with an award for our community work with the event (as seen in the flick above).
Like I just said, EXTREMELY surprised and humbled. In the picture with Lord, Key, Elimn8, and myself is the homies Joseph Villarosa and Robert Macaisa, who was at the event representing LMU's Isang Bansa; the campus' Filipino student union organization. Mos def a fun set with a great crowd, and an honor to be a part of such an important event to the Filipino community. *Soul Claps & Salutes*
And we know a lot of you have been buggin us about full video and flicks from The Roxy show. In the works now ladies and gentlemen. The pictures will come first and film footage we are doing something special with. Stay tuned for that announcement. In the mean time, shouts out to the homie Alex Minassi who has posted some raw (and do mean RAW in all caps) footage of us on stage that night via his camera phone. I hope this can hold all you over, lol!!!
If you were @ The Roxy show, you saw these shirts being handed out for those who purchased the Roxy version of the Deluxe Edition. Well guess what? Don't sleep twice! Because we are now taking orders again for the Deluxe Edition for $14! (Which is now marked down because it doesn't include a ticket to the show).
1nce again, the Deluxe Edition comes with the T-Shirt above, an autographed physical copy of V.I.S.I.O.N.S and a V.I.S.I.O.N.S. bumper sticker. Contact us at or contact any H.F.P. band member directly to order!
NOTE- If mailing your order is necessary, shipping and handling will be included in grand total along with the initial $14.
On the release date of V.I.S.I.O.N.S. (as well the day of the show @ The Roxy), we returned back to our own stomping grounds to campus of LMU to sit down with the homegirl Jen from Levitation Radio. As it would turn out, KXLU would get the major exclusive here. This is right here... THE FIRST TIME ALL EIGHT OF US WERE PHYSICALLY IN THE SAME ROOM FOR AN INTERVIEW!
Like I said on the air, it was only right to come back home (I used to work @ KXLU) and launch the record on release date there. This was also the first time Make A Run For It was premiered on air was well.
It's the V, the, I, the S, the I, the O, the N, to the S, oh yes! Read the liners notes and download it HERE!!! We hope you all enjoy listening to it as much as we had fun making it.
Shouts out to Hillel and all the good folks at for featuring our show TOMORROW NIGHT @ The Roxy, as well as Cadillac Dreams on the site. Click HERE to find out how you can cop your discount ticket through RFB!