Long awaited, but on-time, these are highlights from Honor Flow Productions' 2 straight stints (12.5.09 & 2.19.10 w/ KRS-One) at The World Famous Roxy Theater on Sunset in Hollywood!!! Along with some friends of ours, we have made these two shows ones to remember and it is an honor to say we have played this venue not once, but twice within a such a short time frame.

We would like to thank all of you who came out to these shows and promise you that these shows will only get better. Being on-stage is the best part of the job for us and it is always an incredible experience bring it live to yall. And for the ones who have not seen us yet... you have yet to fully experience what H.F.P is all about until you have seen us live. "Bring on the tour, we'll see you at a theater nearest you." (c) Phife Dawg
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
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