So this is how we start the new year? lol! Honor Flow Productions is proud and ecstatic to announce our 1st curated live experience for 20-12 entitled "2 LA." And as the title for this show insinuates, we're bringing some of the future of Los Angeles music with us. Joining us on the legendary... LANDMARK... Troubadour stage to represent our city is Hugh Augustine The MC, Steve Liriks, and The Beat Advocate. Holding it down and keeping it funky on the wheels of steels all night will be DJ Em-One.
It's a complete night of upper echelon West Coast music and YOU (yes... YOU!!!) need to be there!!!! Tickets are now on sale for $10 directly through H.F.P. via e-mail at HFPEmpire@yahoo.com or by contacting any H.F.P. band member directly.
BUT THAT'S NOT ALL!!! We are offering a special edition, BRAND NEW H.F.P. T-Shirt specifically designed for this show and will be avaiable the night of the show! You can peep the design below....

Lastly, WE WANT TO MAKE "2 LA" A TRENDING TOPIC ON TWITTER!!! Below is the complete list for all the Twitter handles for all the band members that have an account. Tweet us what YOU think is #2LA and we'll re-tweet you!
DJ Chuck "thE oLd SouL"- @theoldsoulHFP
Key-Real "The Poet"- @KeyonRMitchell
Elimn8- @elimn8HFP
DJisLORD- @DJislord
B-Willie- @Trumpetbling
Steve- @SRLewis19
Honor Flow Productions Presents... 2 LA
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Doors @ 7:30pm
Show @ 8pm
Honor Flow Productions (http://HFPuniversity.blogspot.com)
Hugh Augustine The MC (http://www.hughthemc.net/)
Steve Liriks (http://www.myspace.com/steveliriks)
The Beat Advocate (http://thebeatadvocate.tumblr.com)
DJ Em-One
Soul Claps and Salutes and we'll see you all @ The Troubadour!!!
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