Filmed By Sean Lorentzen
3 years ago, I covered a show by Rhymesayers Entertainment featuring Brother Ali, BK-One, Evidence, and Toki Wright at The El Rey for H.F.P. Radio when it was on KLMU (You can find highlights from that show on our Youtube Channel). 3 years later, I found myself in the same backstage area with the crew, this time as a performer. I can't tell you how much of a shell shocking, yet blessed feeling that was. This set has a couple surprises thrown in it given first our intro of a Hip-Hop Klassic ("Him and I, Aquemini" *Hint Hint*), and the first time we performed a song from our upcoming sophomore album (yep! Album # 2 is underway!) entitled "@ The Speed Of Light."
Editor's Note- Because we were notified at the last minute that The El Rey was not going to clear our videographer, Sean's camera, he ended up filming this thing on my trusty Nikon Coolpix Camera; which after a 2 year leave of absence, decided to start work again 1 week before this show when I found it during Spring Cleaning, lol! But he worked magic with it. Special thanks to Abstract Evolution and Mafmatik Evolution for opportunity to be a part of this bill, The El Rey Theater/Goldenvoice for being great host, and ALL of YOU that came out! Made a lot of believers that night, thank you for tuning into our V.I.S.I.O.N.S. Soul Claps & Salutes.
- DJ Chuck "thE oLd SouL"
Photography By Bernadette Rodriguez For B. Rodriguez Photography

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